
I'm Martina.

I empower mums who want to be more than a parent to find courage and confidence to create a life where they feel happy and independent. 

Whether you desire to create a business or simply want to carve out free time for yourself, some stories keep replaying in your head. And they block you from living a fulfilled life.

As an Empowerment Coach, I work with women who feel blessed to be called mums, and they also feel there’s more to life than caring for their family.  

„I don´t think I’m good enough, I feel guilty for wanting more, I wish I could get my freedom back…“ are words that I often hear from my clients, ambitious and extraordinary women. Are you one of them? 

Free 90 min. Powerful Coaching Session

I treat this session like every other – full power on. My mission as an Empowerment Coach is to help you re-discover your confidence and gain clarity and courage to change what needs to be changed in order for you to feel more free and happier. You can expect my commitment, encouragement, and full presence to help you find solution that you need.

At the end of this empowering coaching session, we will both decide whether we are the right fit or whether we prefer to go our separate ways. Use this powerful and free 90 min. coaching session to get the most out of it.

Meet Martina

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